Bus Route, Timetable

There is no railroad to reach Kamikochi. Need to change to a bus in order to go somewhere from Kamikochi or go somewhere.

Buses to and from Kamikochi

Kamikochi and the main stations "Matsumoto" and "Takayama", and around Kamikochi (Nagano, Shin-hotaka, Hirayu, Sawand) are connected by a bus route.

Bus route map

Bus route of around Kamikochi

From Matsumoto

Matsumoto Sta.Shinshimahima Sta.Kamikochi
Use the local train "Matsumoto Railway" from Matsumoto Station to "Shinshimashima Station".

Matsumoto Railway Kamikochi line (About 30 minutes JPY 700 / oneway / person)

From Shinshimashima Station to Kamikochi by bus.

Fixed-route bus (About 65 minutes JPY 1,950 / oneway / person)

There are also direct buses from Matsumoto station, but few are practical.

From Takayama

Takayama Sta.Hirayu Bus Terminal ━━ Kamikochi
The bus is not direct from Takayama station to Kamikochi, it is necessary to transfer at Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal.

Nohi Bus Hirayu Shin-hotaka line (About 60 minutes JPY 1,570円 / oneway / person)

From Hirayu Bus Terminal to Kamikochi by "Kamikochi Shuttle".

Kamikochi Shuttle (About 25 minutes JPY 1,160 / oneway / person)

Hirayu Bus Terminal is connected with "Takayama", "Toyama", "Shinhodaka", "Norikura", "Mt.Fuji", and Takayama is connected to "Shirakawago", "Kanazawa", "Gifu", "Nagoya" by Fixed-route bus.